資料庫匯出xml htm csv sql

2021-03-31 08:56:28 字數 3798 閱讀 7215






dim tablename,filetype,fieldpid

sql???= request("sql")

tablename?= request("tablename")

filetype?= lcase(request("filetype"))

fieldpid?= request("pid")

if fieldpid = "" then

?fieldpid = "id"

end if

fieldpid = lcase(fieldpid)

if lcase(left(sql,6))<>"select" then

?response.write "sql語句必須為select * from [table] where ......."


end if

if tablename = "" then

?tablename = "資料匯出結果"

end if

function htmlencode(fstring)

?if not isnull(fstring) then

??fstring = server.htmlencode(fstring)

??fstring = replace(fstring, chr(10) & chr(10), "

")??fstring = replace(fstring, chr(10), "

")??fstring = replace(fstring, chr(9), "  ")

??htmlencode = fstring

?end if

end function

function myreplace(str)

?if not isnull(str) then

??fstring = replace(fstring,"""", """""")

??myreplace = str


??myreplace = ""

?end if

end function

function myreplace2(str)

?if not isnull(str) then

??fstring = replace(fstring,"'", "''")

??myreplace2 = str


??myreplace2 = ""

?end if

end function

dim def_export_sep,def_export_val

def_export_sep = ","

def_export_val = """"

set rs = conn.execute(sql)


if filetype="xml" then


?response.charset = "gb2312"

?response.addheader "content-disposition", "attachment;filename="&tablename&".xml"

?response.write "

" & vbnewline

?response.write "



?dim thefield(50)

?i = 0

?for? each? x? in? rs.fields




?while rs.eof =false

?strline= vbnewline&chr(9)&"



?for? each? x? in? rs.fields

??strline=? strline & vbnewline&chr(9)&chr(9)&"<"&thefield(k)&">"

??if instr(x.value,"<")>0 or instr(x.value,">")>0 or instr(x.value,"&")>0 or len(x.value)>255 then

???strline=? strline &""


???strline=? strline & x.value

??end if

??strline=? strline &"





?response.write strline &vbnewline& chr(9)&"



response.write vbnewline&"

"匯出資料 - .51windows.***>


<%i=0?for? each? x? in? rs.fields? ??strline=? strline? &chr(9)&chr(9)&"

"&? x.name? &"

"& vbnewline?next?response.write strline&chr(9)&"

"& vbnewline & vbnewline?while rs.eof =false??i=i+1??response.write chr(9)&"

"& vbnewline??strline= ""??for? each? x? in? rs.fields ???strline=? strline? &chr(9)&chr(9)&"

"&? htmlencode(x.value) &"

"& vbnewline??next??rs.movenext??response.write strline??response.write chr(9)&"

"& vbnewline & vbnewline?wendresponse.write "

"& vbnewline

if filetype<>"htm" and filetype<>"xls" and filetype<>"sql" then

response.write "

"&i&"條記錄 匯出html"

response.write "|匯出excel"

response.write "|匯出xml"

response.write "|匯出sql"& vbnewline


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