
2021-03-31 17:30:20 字數 3836 閱讀 5822



<%@ page language="vb" autoeventwireup="false" codebehind="encstring.aspx.vb" inherits="aspxweb.encstring"%>


imports system

imports system.io

imports system.xml

imports system.text

imports system.security.cryptography

public class encstring

inherits system.web.ui.page

protected withevents textbox1 as system.web.ui.webcontrols.textbox

protected withevents textbox2 as system.web.ui.webcontrols.textbox

protected withevents form1 as system.web.ui.htmlcontrols.htmlform

protected withevents radiobuttonlist1 as system.web.ui.webcontrols.radiobuttonlist

#region " web form designer generated code "

'this call is required by the web form designer.

private sub initialize***ponent()

end sub

private sub page_init(byval sender as system.object,_

byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.init

'codegen: this method call is required by the web form designer

'do not modify it using the code editor.


end sub

#end region

private sub page_load(byval sender as system.object,_

byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load

'put user code to initialize the page here

if not ispostback then

dim mylist as new arraylist()



radiobuttonlist1.datasource = mylist


end if

end sub

' 加密

public shared function encrypttext(byval strtext as string) as string

return encrypt(strtext, "&%#@?,:*")

end function

'解密public shared function decrypttext(byval strtext as string) as string

return decrypt(strtext, "&%#@?,:*")

end function


private shared function encrypt(byval strtext as string,_

byval strencrkey as string) as string

dim bykey() as byte = {}

dim iv() as byte =

trybykey = system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes(left(strencrkey, 8))

dim des as new descryptoserviceprovider()

dim inputbytearray() as byte = encoding.utf8.getbytes(strtext)

dim ms as new memorystream()

dim cs as new cryptostream(ms, des.createencryptor(bykey, iv), cryptostreammode.write)

cs.write(inputbytearray, 0, inputbytearray.length)


return convert.tobase64string(ms.toarray())

catch ex as exception

return ex.message

end try

end function


private shared function decrypt(byval strtext as string,_

byval sdecrkey as string) as string

dim bykey() as byte = {}

dim iv() as byte =

dim inputbytearray(strtext.length) as byte

trybykey = system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes(left(sdecrkey, 8))

dim des as new descryptoserviceprovider()

inputbytearray = convert.frombase64string(strtext)

dim ms as new memorystream()

dim cs as new cryptostream(ms, des.createdecryptor(bykey, iv), cryptostreammode.write)

cs.write(inputbytearray, 0, inputbytearray.length)


dim encoding as system.text.encoding = system.text.encoding.utf8

return encoding.getstring(ms.toarray())

catch ex as exception

return ex.message

end try

end function

public sub showres(byval sender as object, _

byval e as system.eventargs) handles radiobuttonlist1.selectedindexchanged

if radiobuttonlist1.selectedindex = 0 then

textbox2.text = encrypttext(textbox1.text)


textbox2.text = decrypttext(textbox1.text)

end if

end sub

end class


page language c enableviewstate true codebehind encryptstring.aspx.cs autoeventwireup false inherits emeng.exam.encryptstring using system using syste...

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