
2021-03-31 08:56:30 字數 2321 閱讀 2469

public class form1

inherits system.windows.forms.form

#region " windows 窗體設計器生成的** "

public sub new()


'該呼叫是 windows 窗體設計器所必需的。


'在 initialize***ponent() 呼叫之後新增任何初始化

end sub

'窗體重寫 dispose 以清理元件列表。

protected overloads overrides sub dispose(byval disposing as boolean)

if disposing then

if not (***ponents is nothing) then


end if

end if


end sub

'windows 窗體設計器所必需的

private ***ponents as system.***ponentmodel.icontainer

'注意: 以下過程是 windows 窗體設計器所必需的

'可以使用 windows 窗體設計器修改此過程。


friend withevents button1 as system.windows.forms.button

private sub initialize***ponent()

me.button1 = new system.windows.forms.button



'me.button1.location = new system.drawing.point(56, 112)

me.button1.name = "button1"

me.button1.tabindex = 0

me.button1.text = "button1"


'me.autoscalebasesize = new system.drawing.size(6, 14)

me.clientsize = new system.drawing.size(292, 273)


me.name = "form1"

me.text = "form1"


end sub

#end region

private mthtest as threading.thread

private i as integer

private withevents a as test

private sub button1_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles button1.click

for i = 1 to 50

a = new test

a.id = i

mthtest = new threading.thread(addressof a.add)



end sub

private sub k() handles a.finish


end sub

end class

public class test

private mintid as integer

public event finish()

public property id() as integer

getreturn mintid

end get

set(byval value as integer)

mintid = value

end set

end property

public sub add()

dim i as integer

for i = 0 to 100

debug.writeline("這是第" & mintid & "個執行緒,執行次數:" & i + 1)


raiseevent finish()

end sub

end class

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