一些常用的vb函式 過程 操作FSO方面

2021-04-02 12:18:05 字數 4621 閱讀 4651


public function parsepath(spathin as string) as string

dim i as integer

for i = len(spathin) to 1 step -1

if instr(":/", mid$(spathin, i, 1)) then exit for


parsepath = left$(spathin, i)

end function


public function parsefilename(sfilein as string) as string

dim i as integer

for i = len(sfilein) to 1 step -1

if instr("/", mid$(sfilein, i, 1)) then exit for


parsefilename = mid$(sfilein, i + 1, len(sfilein) - i)

end function


public function checkinput(istr as string) as boolean

if instr(istr, " ") > 0 or instr(istr, "'") > 0 or instr(istr, """") > 0 then

checkinput = false

exit function


checkinput = true

exit function

end if

end function



'其實就是通過readline(讀取行),通過 while not cnrs.atendofstream 的條件進行迴圈讀取行,


'引用函式 call fsofileread("***檔案") 即可

function filereadall(filename as string) as string

on error goto errlabel

dim fso as new filesystemobject

if not fso.fileexists(filename) then

filereadall = ""

exit function


dim cnrs as textstream

dim rsline as string

rsline = ""

set cnrs = fso.opentextfile(filename, 1)

while not cnrs.atendofstream

rsline = rsline & cnrs.readline


filereadall = rsline

exit function

end if


filereadall = ""

end function



'提取 linenum-1(陣列從0記數) 所對應的陣列值即為 讀取的該行值 ,也就是該行中所有的字元了。

'函式的呼叫 call fsolinedit("***檔案",35) 表示顯示***檔案的第35行內容

function lineedit(filename as string, linenum as integer) as string

on error goto errlabel

if linenum < 1 then

lineedit = ""

exit function

end if

dim fso as new filesystemobject

if not fso.fileexists(filename) then

lineedit = ""

exit function


dim f as textstream

dim tempcnt as string

dim temparray

set f = fso.opentextfile(filename, 1)

if not f.atendofstream then tempcnt = f.readall


set f = nothing

temparray = split(tempcnt, chr(13) & chr(10))

if linenum > ubound(temparray) + 1 then

lineedit = ""

exit function


lineedit = temparray(linenum - 1)

end if

end if

exit function


lineedit = ""

end function


'其實和讀取某一行的函式類似,主要即是 陣列的上界ubound值 就是最末的值 ,故為最後一行。函式的引用也很簡單。

function lastline(filename as string) as string

on error goto errlabel

dim fso as new filesystemobject

if not fso.fileexists(filename) then

lastline = ""

exit function

end if

dim f as textstream

dim tempcnt as string

dim temparray

set f = fso.opentextfile(filename, 1)

if not f.atendofstream then

tempcnt = f.readall


set f = nothing

temparray = split(tempcnt, chr(13) & chr(10))

lastline = temparray(ubound(temparray))

end if

exit function


lastline = ""

end function





' 自動建立指定的多級資料夾

' strpath為絕對路徑

function autocreatefolder(strpath) as boolean

on error resume next

dim astrpath

dim ulngpath as integer

dim i as integer

dim strtmppath as string

if instr(strpath, "/") <= 0 or instr(strpath, ":") <= 0 then

autocreatefolder = false

exit function

end if

dim objfso as new filesystemobject

if objfso.folderexists(strpath) then

autocreatefolder = true

exit function

end if

astrpath = split(strpath, "/")

ulngpath = ubound(astrpath)

strtmppath = ""

for i = 0 to ulngpath

strtmppath = strtmppath & astrpath(i) & "/"

if not objfso.folderexists(strtmppath) then

' 建立

objfso.createfolder (strtmppath)

end if


set objfso = nothing

if err = 0 then

autocreatefolder = true


autocreatefolder = false

end if

end function


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