一道面試題, 求 1000!的位數 VBS實現

2021-04-02 12:23:55 字數 4797 閱讀 1275


'引數 x: 加數, y: 被加數



getaddresult(x, y)

dim arrr(), strx, stry, lx, ly

strx = strreverse(x)

stry = strreverse(y)

lx = len(strx)

ly = len(stry)

'msgbox lx

dim i, imax, ijinwei

if lx > ly then

imax = lx


imax = ly

end if

redim arrr(imax)

ijinwei = 0

for i = 1 to imax

arrr(i) = int("0" & mid(strx, i, 1)) + int("0" & mid(stry, i, 1)) + ijinwei

ijinwei = arrr(i) / 10

arrr(i) = right(arrr(i), 1)


dim strresult

strresult = strreverse(join(arrr, ""))

if left(strresult, 1)  = "0" or ijinwei = 1 then

strresult = "1" & strresult

end if

getaddresult = strresult

end function

'加法'引數 x: 加數, y: 被加數




getaddnresult(x, y)

dim strx, stry, lx, ly

strx = strreverse(x)

stry = strreverse(y)

lx = len(strx)

ly = len(stry)

dim i, imax, ijinwei

if lx > ly then

imax = lx


imax = ly

end if

dim itemp, strresult

ijinwei = 0

itemp = 0

for i = 1 to imax

itemp = int("0" & mid(strx, i, 1)) + int("0" & mid(stry, i, 1)) + ijinwei

ijinwei = itemp / 10

strresult = (itemp mod 10) & strresult


if left(strresult, 1)  = "0" or ijinwei = 1 then

strresult = "1" & strresult

end if

getaddnresult = strresult

end function

'乘法'引數 x: 大數, y: 小數(一位)


getmulresult(x, y)

getmulresult = 0

dim i

for i = 1 to y

getmulresult = getaddresult(getmulresult, x)


end function

'乘法'引數 x: 大數, y: 小數


getmultresult(x, y)

getmultresult = 0

dim str, lx, ly, i

ly = len(y)

for i = 1 to ly

getmultresult = getaddresult(getmultresult, getmulresult(x, cint(mid(y, i, 1))) & string(ly - i, "0"))


end function

'乘法'引數 x: 大數, y: 大數


getmulcresult(x, y)

if len(x) > len(y) then

getmulcresult = getmultresult(x, y)


getmulcresult = getmultresult(y, x)

end if

end function

'階乘'引數 x: 自然數



getfactorialresult = x

dim i

for i = (x - 1) to 2 step - 1

getfactorialresult = getmulcresult(getfactorialresult, i)


end function


'引數 x: 自然數

'原作: aiur2000(閉關失敗,走火入魔,開關拉!)

'vbs**實現: xiaoyuehen



dim ilen, isum, ival, i




ilen = 0

'位數isum = 0

'積ival = 1

for i = 1 to x

ilen = len(i)


if len(ival) > ilen * 2 then

isum = isum + (len(ival) - ilen * 2)

ival = left(ival, ilen * 2)

end if

ival = ival * i


getfactoriallength = len(ival) + isum

end function


dim t, x, y

t = timer

x = string(1000, "9")

y = string(1000, "9")

'y = string(200, "9")

'msgbox " string 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

't = timer

'call getaddresult(x, y)

'msgbox " getaddresult: " & "getaddresult(x, y)" & " 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

t = timer

'call getfactoriallength(1000)

msgbox " getfactoriallength(1000): " & getfactoriallength(1000) & " 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

't = timer

'call getmulresult(x, y)

'msgbox " getmulresult: " & getmulresult(x, y) & " 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

't = timer

'call getmulresult(x, y)

'msgbox " getmultresult: " & getmultresult(x, y) & " 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

't = timer

'call getmulresult(x, y)

'msgbox " getmulcresult: " & getmulcresult(x, y) & " 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

't = timer

'call getaddresult(x, y)

'msgbox " getaddresult 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

't = timer

'call getaddnresult(x, y)

'msgbox " getaddnresult 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

'x = 300

't = timer

'call getfactorialresult(x)

'msgbox " getfactorialresult(" & x & ") = " & getfactorialresult(x) & " 總用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"

'msgbox " 共 " & len(getfactorialresult(x)) & " 位, 用時: " & formatnumber(timer - t) & " 秒"


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