
2021-04-02 15:11:33 字數 873 閱讀 8361

create procedure getforumlist @editionid int, @pageindex int as

set nocount on

declare @beginid int, @endid int  /* 定義開始與結束id*/

declare @lowerbound int,@upperbound int  /*定義上下限*/

set @lowerbound= (@pageindex-1)*20+1

set @upperbound=@pageindex*20

set rowcount @lowerbound

select @endid=id from infobbs where parentid=0 and show='y' and edition=@editionid and topmost='n' order by id desc /*獲取endid*/

set rowcount @upperbound

select @beginid =id from infobbs where parentid=0 and show='y' and edition=@editionid and topmost='n' order by id desc /*獲取beginid*/

set rowcount 0  /*清除rowcount*/

set nocount off

select id,title,sendname,sendtime from infobbs where parentid=0 and show='y' and edition=@editionid and topmost='n'  and id between @beginid and @endid order by id desc



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