獲取MS SQL庫資料字典的經典SQL語句

2021-04-07 08:14:11 字數 1357 閱讀 7541

獲取ms sql庫資料字典的經典sql語句

select sysobjects.name as [table], sysproperties.[value] as 表說明,

syscolumns.name as field, properties.[value] as 字段說明, systypes.name as type,

syscolumns.length, isnull(columnproperty(syscolumns.id, syscolumns.name,

'scale'), 0) as 小數字數, syscolumns.isnullable as isnull,

case when syscomments.text is null

then '' else syscomments.text end as [default],

case when columnproperty(syscolumns.id, syscolumns.name, 'isidentity')

= 1 then '√' else '' end as 標識, case when exists

(select 1

from sysobjects

where xtype = 'pk' and name in

(select name

from sysindexes

where indid in

(select indid

from sysindexkeys

where id = syscolumns.id and colid = syscolumns.colid)))

then '√' else '' end as 主鍵

from syscolumns inner join

sysobjects on sysobjects.id = syscolumns.id inner join

systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtype left outer join

sysproperties properties on syscolumns.id = properties.id and

syscolumns.colid = properties.**allid left outer join

sysproperties on sysobjects.id = sysproperties.id and

sysproperties.**allid = 0 left outer join

syscomments on syscolumns.cdefault = syscomments.id

where (sysobjects.xtype = 'u')

獲取MS SQL庫資料字典的經典SQL語句

獲取ms sql庫資料字典的經典sql語句 select sysobjects.name as table sysproperties.value as 表說明,syscolumns.name asfield,properties.value as 字段說明,systypes.name astype...

sqlserver 獲取資料字典的經典指令碼

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