C 序列化之一

2021-04-12 20:48:18 字數 2071 閱讀 2777




3、xml序列化,soap(****** object  access protocol簡單物件訪問協議)序列化:xml序列化僅序列化公共屬性和字段,且不保持型別真度。


.net framework提供兩種序列化技術:二進位制序列化和xml序列化。

示例:using system;

using system.xml;

using system.xml.serialization;

using system.io;

public class address

}public class test

private void createpo(string filename)

;po.ordereditems = items;

// calculate the total cost.

decimal subtotal = new decimal();

foreach (ordereditem oi in items)

po.subtotal = subtotal;

po.shipcost = (decimal)12.51;

po.totalcost = po.subtotal + po.shipcost;

// serializes the purchase order, and closes the textwriter.

serializer.serialize(writer, po);


}protected void readpo(string filename)

// reads the subtotal, shipping cost, and total cost.


"/n/t/t/t/t/t subtotal/t" + po.subtotal +

"/n/t/t/t/t/t shipping/t" + po.shipcost +

"/n/t/t/t/t/t total/t/t" + po.totalcost);}

protected void readaddress(address a, string label)

protected void serializer_unknownnode(object sender, xmlnodeeventargs e)

protected void serializer_unknownattribute(object sender, xmlattributeeventargs e)

}//xml 輸出可能如下:

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