
2021-04-12 22:33:46 字數 807 閱讀 3734



"rundll32 shell32.dll,shellexec_rundll " +

"explorer.exe /select," + targetdirectfilename);

[windows explorer switches]

windows explorer switches are useful in creating rooted folders:

explorer [/e][,/root,][[,/select],]

/euse explorer view (scope and results pane view). the default is

open view (results in pane view only).


specify the object in the "normal" name space that is

used as the root (top level) of this explorer/folder (i.e., local

path or unc name). the default is the desktop).


the parent folder opens and the specified object is selected.

specify the folder unless /select is used. the

default is the root. 


今天再做乙個批處理檔案時發現在,想開啟乙個資料夾用 start 打不開,查了下資料才知道。因為 dos 不支援長檔名,只支援6個位元組 也就是中文3個字,英文6個字母 譬如有資料夾 c 我的資料夾開啟就是 start c 我的文 1 後面的1表示,前面重複的第乙個。比如上面的,如果還有個資料夾是 c...


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Git 如何上傳乙個空資料夾

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