
2021-04-13 10:54:17 字數 1298 閱讀 4419

port 80h post code ranges


00 – 0f

debug codes: can be used by any peim/driver for debug.

10 – 1f

host processors: 1f is an unrecoverable cpu error.

20 – 2f

memory/chipset: 2f is no memory detected or no useful memory detected.

30 – 3f

recovery: 3f indicated recovery failure.

40 – 4f

reserved for future use.

50 – 5f

i/o busses: pci, usb, isa, ata, etc. 5f is an unrecoverable error. start with pci.

60 – 6f

reserved for future use (for new busses).

70 – 7f

output devices: all output consoles. 7f is an unrecoverable error.

80 – 8f

reserved for future use (new output console codes).

90 – 9f

input devices: keyboard/mouse. 9f is an unrecoverable error.

a0 – af

reserved for future use (new input console codes).

b0 – bf

boot devices: includes fixed media and removable media. bf is an unrecoverable error.

c0 – cf

reserved for future use.

d0 – df

boot device selection.

e0 – ff

e0 - ee: miscellaneious codes

ef: boot/s3 resume failure

f0 – ff: ff processor exception  

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