《21天學通C 》筆記 程式清單9 1 過載方法

2021-04-13 14:13:47 字數 1493 閱讀 5814


1. 名詞解析:

(1) 過載: 是指建立多個名稱相同的方法,其中每個方法都有區別於其他方法的特徵,以便編譯器區別和呼叫.

2. 程式清單如下:

// 通過過載方法來說明多型;

// 9_1_circle1.cs - polymorphic area method.

// -------------------------------------

using system;

public class circle

public double area(double rad)  // 乙個引數的方法;

is ", rad, thearea);

return thearea;

}public double area(int x1, int x2, double rad) // 三個引數的方法;

public double area(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2) // 四個引數的方法;

public circle() // 方法的預設引數; --1--

}console.writeline("passing nothing...");

mycircle.area();  // 程式轉向--2--

console.writeline("/npassing a radius of 3...");


console.writeline("/npassing a center of (2,4) and a radius of 3...");

mycircle.area(2, 4, 3);

console.writeline("/npassing center of (2,3) and a point of (5,6)...");

mycircle.area(2, 3, 5, 6);}}

3. 輸出結果:

passing nothing...

the areas for radius 0 is 0

passing a radius of 3...

the areas for radius 3 is 28.2743110656738

passing a center of (2,4) and a radius of 3...

the areas for radius 3 is 28.2743110656738

passing center of (2,3) and a point of (5,6)...

the areas for radius 1.4142135623731 is 6.28318023681641

4. ^_^  初學c#,從書上敲出來的程式,有寫錯的地方望各位帥哥美女多多指教! 先謝了!  ^_^

5. ^_^  ****: qq : 601373891 email : [email protected]   希望能我們成為朋友,共同進步.  ^_^

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