遊戲程式設計系列(1) 3D向量類的實現

2021-04-15 08:16:59 字數 3329 閱讀 4409


template< class t >

class vector3d

vector3d( t x, t y, t z )

: m_vx(x), m_vy(y), m_vz(z)

vector3d( const vector3d& that )

:  m_vx(that.m_vx), m_vy(that.m_vy), m_vz(that.m_vz)


vector3doperator-() const

vector3d& operator=(const vector3d& that)

vector3doperator-(const vector3d& that) const

vector3d& operator-=(const vector3d& that)

vector3doperator+(const vector3d& that) const

vector3d& operator+=(const vector3d& that)

vector3doperator*(const vector3d& that) const

vector3doperator*(t v) const

vector3d& operator*=(const vector3d& that)

vector3d& operator*=( t v )

vector3doperator/(const vector3d& that) const

vector3doperator/(t v) const

vector3d& operator/=(const vector3d& that)

vector3d& operator/=( t v )

bool operator==(const vector3d& that) const

bool operator!=(const vector3d& that) const

bool operator>=(const vector3d& that) const

bool operator<=(const vector3d& that) const

bool equal(const vector3d& that) const

void set( t x, t y, t z)

void set( const vector3d& that )

f64 getlength() const


t getlengthsquare() const


t getdotproduct( const vector3d& that) const


f64 getdistancefrom(const vector3d& that) const


t getdistancesquarefrom(const vector3d& that) const


vector3dgetcrossproduct(const vector3d& that) const


bool isbetweenpoints(const vector3d& begin, const vector3d& end) const


vector3d& normalize(void)


void setlength(t newlen)


void invert(void)



//       |cos 0  -sin 0|

// m=  |0    1  0     0|

//       |sin  0   cos 0| 

//       |0     0   0    1|


// |i, j, k, 1| |    i, j,     k, 1|

// |x, y, z, 1|*m =|(cos*x+sin*z), y, -sin*x+cos*z, 1|

//void rotatexzbyy(f64 deg, const vector3d& center)



//       |1  0  0 0|

// m= |0   cos   sin 0|

//       |0  -sin   cos 0| 

//       |0  0  0 1|


// |i, j, k, 1| |i,        j,     k, 1|

// |x, y, z, 1|*m =|x, (cos*y-sin*z)y, sin*y+cos*z, 1|

//void rotateyzbyx(f64 deg, const vector3d& center)



// m= |cos  sin 0 0|

//       |-sin cos 0 0|

//       |0  0 1 0| 

//       |0  0 0 1|


// |i, j, k, 1| |   i,       j,     k, 1|

// |x, y, z, 1|*m =|cos*x-sin*y, sin*x+cos*y, z, 1|

//void rotateyxbyz(f64 deg, const vector3d& center)


vector3dgetinterpolated(const vector3d& that, f32 d) const


void getas4value(t* array) const


t m_vx;

t m_vy;

t m_vz;

};typedef vector3dvector3dint;

typedef vector3dvector3dflt;


vector3doperator*(const s scalar, const vector3d& vector)

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