用Socket傳送電子郵件 php

2021-04-16 15:21:09 字數 610 閱讀 5010


hello! this is a test!

'; //生成mime類例項

$mime = new mime_mail("[email protected]", $to, $str);


$mime->attach($html_data, "", html, base64);






//echo $mime->email."

"; //包含sendmail檔案

include "sendmail.class.php3";


$sendmail=new send_mail("**tp.263.net", "limodou", true);


$sendmail->send("[email protected]", "[email protected]", $str, $mime->email);



傳送電子郵件 param emaillist 的物件 param data 傳送的資料 throws ioexception throws addres ception private void sendemail listemaillist,listdata throws ioexception,...


源 sendemail.py import smtplib from email.mime.text import mimetext msg mimetext the body of the email is here 這裡是你的信件中的內容 msg from ltoddy 163.com 這裡是傳...

PHP 傳送電子郵件

php 傳送電子郵件 php 允許您從指令碼直接傳送電子郵件。php mail 函式 php mail 函式用於從指令碼中傳送電子郵件。語法 mail to,subject,message,headers,parameters to 必需。規定 email 接收者。subject 必需。規定 ema...