C 如何開啟關閉CDROM

2021-04-17 08:18:04 字數 656 閱讀 9783

using system;

using system.text;

using system.runtime.interopservices;

class closecd

{ [dllimport( "winmm.dll", entrypoint="mcisendstringa", charset=charset.ansi )]

protected static extern int mcisendstring( string lpstrcommand, stringbuilder lpstrreturnstring, int ureturnlength, intptr hwndcallback );

public static void main()

{ int ret = mcisendstring( "set cdaudio door open", null, 0, intptr.zero );


ret = mcisendstring( "set cdaudio door closed", null, 0, intptr.zero );



cdrom';return true">

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