PHP中的類 操作XML 3

2021-04-17 08:24:34 字數 1698 閱讀 1225

/* here are the xml functions needed by expat */

/* when expat hits an opening tag, it fires up this function */

function startelement($parser, $name, $attrs) else

/* if there are attributes for this tag, we set them here. */



} } // end function startelement

/* when expat hits a closing tag, it fires up this function */

function endelement($parser, $name) else

$popped = array_pop($this->current_tag);

// we want the tag name for

// the tag above this, it  

// allows us to group the

// tags together in a more

// intuitive way.

if(sizeof($this->current_tag) == 0) return;     // if we aren't in a tag

$curtag = implode("_",$this->current_tag);     // piece together tag

// this time for the arrays

$j = $this->tagtracker["$curtag"];

if(!$j) $j = 0;


$globals[$this->identifier]["$curtag"][$j]->store($name,$td); #$this->tagdata["$curtag"]);


return true;

} /* when expat finds some internal tag character data,

it fires up this function */

function characterdata($parser, $cdata)

/* this is the constructor: automatically called when the class is initialized */

function xml($data,$identifier='xml')

// we are done with the parser, so let's free it


}  // end constructor: function xml()

} // thus, we end our class xml



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