Sql2000 處理排名中存在並列排名的問題

2021-04-19 06:29:49 字數 1035 閱讀 9856



create table t_medal

(country varchar(50) primary key, -- 國家名

glod int, -- 金牌數

silver int, -- 銀牌

bronze int -- 銅牌數





*/create procedure p_medal_list

asset nocount on

-- 建立臨時表,下面會用rownum來做排名

declare @tmptb table

(rownum int identity(1,1), -- 做排名用

glod int,

silver int,

bronze int

)-- 找出所有的獎牌情況,並按獎牌多少排名

insert into @tmptb(glod,silver,bronze)

select distinct glod,silver,bronze from t_medal

group by glod,silver,bronze

order by glod desc,silver desc,bronze desc

select a.country,a.glod,a.silver,a.bronze,b.rownum

from t_medal a inner join @tmptb b

on a.glod = b.glod and a.silver = b.silver and a.bronze = b.bronze

order by b.rownum asc



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