Oracle 預存中 的迴圈!

2021-04-20 02:00:00 字數 3997 閱讀 5099

oracle 預存中 的迴圈!


查詢資料表 a10中的 a10_c4,a10_c5

a10_c4 相同時將a10_c5  寫到乙個table表中的一格字段中


procedure sp_a10_q6

(stra10_1_sta  varchar2,--起始學年度(10)

stra10_1_end  varchar2,--截止學年度(10)

stra10_c2   varchar2,-- a教學(30)

rc1     out cursr0001,

strmessage    out varchar2,

strstatus    out number)as




v_stra10_1_sta  varchar2(10);--學年度(10)

v_stra10_1_end  varchar2(10);--學年度(10)

v_stra10_c2  varchar2(30);--a教學(30)

ccount       integer;

cnum           integer;




a10_c1  varchar(100);

a10_c2  varchar(100);

a10_c4  varchar(100);

cursor  cursor1 is

select  distinct a10_c1,a10_c2,a10_c4

from  a10

where a10_c1>=stra10_1_sta

and a10_c1<=stra10_1_end

and a10_c2 = stra10_c2

order by a10_c1,a10_c2,a10_c4;

r_cursor1 cursor1%rowtype;




a10_c1_2 varchar(100);

a10_c2_2 varchar(100);

a10_c4_2 varchar(100);

a10_c5_2 varchar(100);

cursor  cursor2 is

select  distinct

a10_c1 as a10_c1_2,

a10_c2 as a10_c2_2,

a10_c4 as a10_c4_2,

a10_c5 as a10_c5_2

from  a10

where a10_c1>=stra10_1_sta

and a10_c1<=stra10_1_end

and a10_c2 = stra10_c2

order by a10_c1,a10_c2,a10_c4,a10_c5;

r_cursor2 cursor2%rowtype;

a10_c5_sql  varchar2(1000);--重要措施(1000)

a10_c5b         varchar2(100);--重要措施(100)


ccount  := 0;--相同目標下重要措施的資料筆數

cnum :=0;--變數

delete  from a10b;




v_stra10_1_sta   := trim(stra10_1_sta);

v_stra10_1_end   := trim(stra10_1_end);

v_stra10_c2    := trim(stra10_c2);

a10_c1   := '';

a10_c2   := '';

a10_c4   := '';

a10_c1_2  := '';

a10_c2_2  := '';

a10_c4_2  := '';

a10_c5_2  := '';

a10_c5b   := '';--中間變數

a10_c5_sql  := '';

strmessage  := '';

open  cursor1;


fetch  cursor1  into  r_cursor1;

exit  when   cursor1%notfound;

open  cursor2;

select count(*) into ccount

from  a10

where a10_c1>=stra10_1_sta

and a10_c1<=stra10_1_end

and a10_c2 = stra10_c2;


fetch  cursor2  into  r_cursor2;

exit  when   cursor2%notfound;

if(cnum<=ccount)   then


if (r_cursor1.a10_c1=r_cursor2.a10_c1_2 and r_cursor1.a10_c2=r_cursor2.a10_c2_2 and r_cursor1.a10_c4=r_cursor2.a10_c4_2)         then


cnum := cnum+1;

a10_c5b  :=  cnum||'.'||trim(r_cursor2.a10_c5_2);

a10_c5_sql :=trim(a10_c5_sql)||trim(a10_c5b)||'/n';


end if;


end if;

end loop;

close cursor2;

insert  into a10b



(trim(r_cursor1.a10_c1), trim(r_cursor1.a10_c2),'',


);end loop;

--close cursor2;

close cursor1;





open  rc1  for

select  *

from  a10b;





when no_data_found then

strmessage := '資料處理失敗!!';

strstatus := 2;

when others then

strmessage := sqlerrm;

strstatus := 1;


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