
2021-04-20 09:31:14 字數 1535 閱讀 4467


# phpize

# ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config --enable-xcache --enable-xcache-optimizer

# make

# make install


# echo -n 「123456″ | md5sum


# vi /etc/php.ini


zend_extension = /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/xcache.so


; change xcache.admin.user to your preferred login name

xcache.admin.user = "admin"

; change xcache.admin.pass to the md5 fingerprint of your password

; use md5 -s "your_secret_password" to find the fingerprint

xcache.admin.pass = "e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e"


; change xcache.size to tune the size of the opcode cache

xcache.size = 24m

xcache.shm_scheme = "mmap"

xcache.count = 2

xcache.slots = 8k

xcache.ttl = 0

xcache.gc_interval = 0

; change xcache.var_size to adjust the size of variable cache

xcache.var_size = 8m

xcache.var_count = 1

xcache.var_slots = 8k

xcache.var_ttl = 0

xcache.var_maxttl = 0

xcache.var_gc_interval = 300

xcache.test = off

xcache.readonly_protection = on

xcache.mmap_path = "/tmp/xcache"

xcache.coredump_directory = ""

xcache.cacher = on

xcache.stat = on

xcache.optimizer = off


xcache.coverager = on

xcache.coveragedump_directory = ""

nginx環境下 XCache安裝配置

二 安裝模組 tar zxvf xcache 1.2.2.tar.gz cd xcache 1.2.2 usr local php bin phpize configure with php config usr local php bin php config enable xcache enab...


src wget src tar zxf xcache tar.gz src cd xcache src xcache phpize src xcache configure enable xcache src xcache make src xcache su src xcache make in...


如果系統之前裝有apc模組的,要啟用xcache就必須禁止apc 和xcache同為php快取 否則衝突報錯 php warning cannot load module xcache because conflicting module apc is already loaded in unkno...