
2021-04-21 11:23:07 字數 1743 閱讀 9315


select u.userid,u.repid,u.parentid,u.usertype,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.city,u.state,

find_in_set('-',replace(replace(parentid,'101-102-103-104-',''),'-',',-')) downlevel,

case when c.status=0 then 'active' when c.status=2 then 'locked'  when c.status=3 then 'vacated' when c.status=4 then 'vacating' end status ,

l.levelname rank,c.personalcv totalcv

from commission c  

left outer join  user u on u.userid = c.distributorid 

left outer join level l on c.levelid = l.levelid 

where c.year= 2008 and month = 3  and ( u.parentid like '101-102-103-104-%' or u.parentid like '%-101-102-103-104-%' ) 

order by downlevel




select o.ordernumberfordisplay,if(o.state is null or o.state = '',u.state,o.state) state,

if(o.city is null or o.city = '',u.city,o.city) city,

if(o.county is null or o.county = '',u.county,o.county) county,o.tax,o.paidtime

from orders o,user u

where o.paidtime between '2008-09-03 0:00:00' and '2050-01-02 0:00:00'  and u.state = 'ak' and o.status in ( 20,21,40,41,50 )  and u.userid = o.shipto

注:使用if語句,不僅可以判斷is null,還能夠判斷為空的情況。


select levelid,


sum(ifnull(retailcommission, 0))+sum(ifnull(overridecommission,0))+sum(ifnull(adjustedcommission, 0)) as commissionspaid

from commission

where (year*100+month) > '$p!' and (year*100+month) < '$p!'

group by commissioned



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matlab collect 函式使用舉例

在matlab中,使用collect函式來合併同類項,其使用格式如下 collect s,v 命令用於將符號矩陣s中所有同類項合併,並以v為符號變數輸出 collect s 命令使用findsym函式規定的預設變數代替上式中的v 應用例項 syms x y collect x 2 y y x x 2...