檔案讀取 LINUX核心

2021-04-21 14:38:51 字數 4957 閱讀 2074


file i/o in kernel module

by flyduck 2001/03/21

*/#define __kernel__

#define module








#define eof             (-1)

#define seek_set        0

#define seek_cur        1

#define seek_end        2

//// function prototypes

//struct file *klib_fopen(const char *filename, int flags, int mode);

void klib_fclose(struct file *filp);

int klib_fseek(struct file *filp, int offset, int whence);

int klib_fread(char *buf, int len, struct file *filp);

int klib_fgetc(struct file *filp);

char *klib_fgets(char *str, int size, struct file *filp);

int klib_fwrite(char *buf, int len, struct file *filp);

int klib_fputc(int ch, struct file *filp);

int klib_fputs(char *str, struct file *filp);

int klib_fprintf(struct file *filp, const char *fmt, ...);

//// library functions

//// context : user

// parameter :

//   filename : filename to open

//   flags :

//     o_rdonly, o_wronly, o_rdwr

//   mode : file creation permission.

//     s_ir*** s_iw*** s_i***x (*** = usr, grp, oth), s_irwxx (x = u, g, o)

// return :

//   file pointer. if error, return null

struct file *klib_fopen(const char *filename, int flags, int mode)

// context : user

// parameter :

//   filp : file pointer

// return :

void klib_fclose(struct file *filp)

// context : user

// parameter :

//   filp : file pointer

//   offset :

//   whence : seek_set, seek_cur

// comment :

//   do not support seek_end

//   no boundary check (file position may exceed file size)

int klib_fseek(struct file *filp, int offset, int whence)


return -enoent;

}// context : user

// parameter :

//   buf : buffer to read into

//   len : number of bytes to read

//   filp : file pointer

// return :

//   actually read number. 0 = eof, negative = error

int klib_fread(char *buf, int len, struct file *filp)

// context : user

// parameter :

//   filp : file pointer

// return :

//   read character, eof if end of file

int klib_fgetc(struct file *filp)

// context : user

// parameter :

//   str : string

//   size : size of str buffer

//   filp : file pointer

// return :

//   read string. null if end of file

// comment :

char *klib_fgets(char *str, int size, struct file *filp)

}*cp = 0;


return (len < 0 || readlen == 0) ? null : str;

} else

return null;

}// context : user

// parameter :

//   buf : buffer containing data to write

//   len : number of bytes to write

//   filp : file pointer

// return :

//   actually written number. 0 = retry, negative = error

int klib_fwrite(char *buf, int len, struct file *filp)

// context : user

// parameter :

//   filp : file pointer

// return :

//   written character, eof if error

int klib_fputc(int ch, struct file *filp)

// context : user

// parameter :

//   str : string

//   filp : file pointer

// return :

//   count of written characters. 0 = retry, negative = error

int klib_fputs(char *str, struct file *filp)

// context : user

// parameter :

//   filp : file pointer

//   fmt : printf() style formatting string

// return :

//   same as klib_fputs()

int klib_fprintf(struct file *filp, const char *fmt, ...)

//// test functions

//#define maxlinelen                      1024

int init_module(void)

printk("# klib_file : fgetc/n");

for (i = 0; ; ++i)

printk("# klib_file : fgets/n");

klib_fseek(filp, 4450, seek_set);

klib_fgets(str, maxlinelen, filp);

printk("%s", str);

printk("# klib_file : fgets #2/n");

klib_fseek(filp, 0, seek_set);

for (line = 0; klib_fgets(str, maxlinelen, filp) != null; ++line)

printk("%04d : %s", line, str);


printk("# klib_file : open for write/n");

if ((filp = klib_fopen("./tmpfile", o_creat | o_wronly | o_trunc, s_irusr |

s_iwusr)) == null)

printk("# klib_file : fputc/n");

klib_fputc('*', filp);

klib_fputc('/n', filp);

printk("# klib_file : fputs/n");

klib_fputs("hello, world/n", filp);

printk("# klib_file : fprintf/n");

klib_fprintf(filp, "write %d, %d, %d/n", 1, 2, 3);


printk("unloading klib_file/n");

return 1;

}void cleanup_module(void)


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