VB MapX移動滑鼠放大和縮小

2021-04-22 09:54:00 字數 1237 閱讀 2362

private sub map1_mousemove(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)

dim x1 as double

dim y1 as double

dim x2 as double

dim y2 as double

dim sngtemp as single

dim tempzoom as integer

on error resume next

map1.numericcoordsys.set milonglat, 0     '將螢幕座標轉變為經緯度座標

if button = vbleftbutton and map1.currenttool = mtzoominout then

while boolbuttonmove

if abs(y - map1.mapscreenheight / 2) > map1.mapscreenheight / 1000 then

if y > map1.mapscreenheight / 2 and y >= sgly then

'縮小tempzoom = map1.zoom + 10 * abs(y - map1.mapscreenheight / 2) / map1.mapscreenheight

if tempzoom < 600 and tempzoom > 0 then

map1.zoom = tempzoom

end if

sgly = y

elseif y < map1.mapscreenheight / 2 and y <= sgly then


tempzoom = mainform.map1.zoom - 10 * abs(y - map1.mapscreenheight / 2) /map1.mapscreenheight

if tempzoom > 0 and tempzoom < 600 then

map1.zoom = tempzoom


if map1.zoom > 0.001 then

map1.zoom = map1.zoom / 2

end if

end if

sgly = y

end if

end if



end if

end sub

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