c 實現攝象頭拍照

2021-04-22 19:35:39 字數 2901 閱讀 1639


using system;

using system.drawing;

using system.collections;

using system.componentmodel;

using system.windows.forms;

using system.data;

using capturemovie;

namespace capturemovie

private void form1_load(object sender, system.eventargs e)

private void b_stop_click(object sender, system.eventargs e)

private void b_play_click(object sender, eventargs e)

private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)

catch (exception se)

}    }}


namespace capturemovie


}#region windows 窗體設計器生成的**


private system.windows.forms.button button1;

private system.windows.forms.groupbox groupbox1;

private system.windows.forms.button button3;

private system.windows.forms.button button2;}}


using system;

using system.collections.generic;

using system.windows.forms;

namespace capturemovie


public struct bitmapinfoheader


public struct bitmapinfo

public delegate void frameeventhandler(intptr lwnd, intptr lpvhdr);

// public methods

public static object getstructure(intptr ptr, valuetype structure)

public static object getstructure(int ptr, valuetype structure)

public static void copy(intptr ptr, byte data)

public static void copy(int ptr, byte data)

public static int sizeof(object structure)

}//web camera class

public class webcamera

// delegate for frame callback

public delegate void recievedframeeventhandler(byte data);

public event recievedframeeventhandler recievedframe;

private intptr lwndc; // holds the unmanaged handle of the control

private intptr mcontrolptr; // holds the managed pointer of the control

private int mwidth;

private int mheight;

private showvideo.frameeventhandler mframeeventhandler; // delegate instance for the frame callback - must keep alive! gc should not collect it

showvideo.capgetdriverdescriptiona(0, lpszname, 100, lpszver, 100);

this.lwndc = showvideo.capcreatecapturewindowa(lpszname, showvideo.ws_visible + showvideo.ws_child, 0, 0, mwidth, mheight, mcontrolptr, 0);

///   要儲存bmp檔案的路徑

public void grabimage(intptr hwndc, string path)

// private functions

private bool capdriverconnect(intptr lwnd, short i)

private bool capdriverdisconnect(intptr lwnd)

private bool capsetcallbackonframe(intptr lwnd, showvideo.frameeventhandler lpproc)

private bool capsetvideoformat(intptr hcapwnd, ref showvideo.bitmapinfo bmpformat, int capformatsize)

private void framecallback(intptr lwnd, intptr lpvhdr)}}

c 實現攝像頭拍照功能示例

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