
2021-04-23 04:12:09 字數 3542 閱讀 5683


const adopenforwardonly     = 0

const adopenkeyset          = 1

const adopendynamic         = 2

const adopenstatic          = 3


const adlockreadonly        = 1

const adlockpessimistic     = 2

const adlockoptimistic      = 3

const adlockbatchoptimistic = 4

class database

private conn, dbstr

'**' 建構函式

private sub class_initialize()

set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")

end sub

'**' 析構函式

private sub class_terminate()

set rest = nothing

set conn = nothing

end sub

sql = "select top 1 " & fields & " from [" & table & "]"

if isarray(conditions) then

sql = sql & " where " & join(conditions, " and ")

elseif conditions<>"" then

sql = sql & " where " & conditions

end if

if order<>"" then

sql = sql & " order by " & order

end if

rest.open sql, conn, adopenstatic, adlockreadonly

set rs = rest


set find = rs

end function

'**' 分頁查詢資料

public function findall(table, conditions, order, page, rows, fields)

dim rest, format, sql, where, outrows, params(3), params1(1)  

set rest = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")

format    = "select top %s %s from [%s]"

where     = " where %s "

outrows = page * rows

params(0) = rows

params(1) = fields

params(2) = table


sql = sprintf(format, params)


if isarray(conditions) then

params1(0) = join(conditions, " and ")

sql = sql & sprintf(where, params1)

elseif conditions<>"" then

params1(0) = conditions

sql = sql & sprintf(where, params1)

end if


if outrows>0 then

params(0) = outrows

params(1) = "[id]"

params(2) = table

if isarray(conditions) or conditions<>"" then

sql = sql & " and [id] not in (" & sprintf(format, params) & ") "


sql = sql & " where [id] not in (" & sprintf(format, params) & ") "

end if

end if


if order<>"" then

sql = sql & " order by " & order

end if

rest.open sql, conn, adopenstatic, adlockreadonly

set findall = rest

end function

end class

'**' 格式化字串

function sprintf(format, params)

dim strarr, num, newstr

strarr = split(format, "%s")

if(ubound(strarr)<>ubound(params)) then

sprintf = format

exit function

end if

for num = lbound(strarr) to ubound(strarr)

newstr = newstr & strarr(num) & params(num)


sprintf = newstr

end function




dim db

dim news

set db = new database

db.connstr "#database.mdb"


set news = db.find("ieb_articles", "", "", "*")

if news.bof and news.eof then

response.write "沒有資料"


response.write news("title") & vbcrlf

end if


set news = db.findall("ieb_articles", "", "", 2, 3, "*")

if news.bof and news.eof then

response.write "沒有資料"



do while not news.eof

response.write news("title") & vbcrlf



end if




class quickdb private conn,connstr private sqldatabasename,sqlpassword,sqlusername,sqllocalname,sqlnowstring public rs private sub class initialize sq...


public static string constring server localhost integrated security true database northwind 1.執行sql語句,返回受影響的行數 code string constring server localhost ...


class quickdb private conn,connstr private sqldatabasename,sqlpassword,sqlusername,sqllocalname,sqlnowstring public rs private sub class initialize sq...