
2021-04-24 16:20:05 字數 2542 閱讀 5576

private function nmoneytosmoney(nmoney as variant) as string

if isnumeric(nmoney) = false then

nmoneytosmoney = "不是數字型別"

exit function

end if

dim basicdwstring as string, basicdw() as string

dim moneydwstring as string, moneydw() as string

dim formatd1string as string, formatd1() as string

dim formatd2string as string, formatd2() as string

dim formatd3string as string, formatd3() as string

dim moneystr as string, returnstr as string, tempstr as string

dim pcount as long

basicdwstring = "分,角,圓,拾,佰,仟,萬,拾萬,佰萬,仟萬,億,拾億,佰億,仟億,萬億,兆,拾兆,佰兆,仟兆,萬兆,億兆"

moneydwstring = "零,壹,貳,叄,肆,伍,陸,柒,捌,玖"

formatd1string = "拾萬,佰萬,仟萬,拾億,佰億,仟億,萬億,拾兆,佰兆,仟兆,萬兆,億兆"

formatd2string = "拾,佰,仟,拾,佰,仟,萬,拾,佰,仟,萬,億"

formatd3string = "萬,萬,萬,億,億,億,億,兆,兆,兆,兆,兆"

basicdw = split(basicdwstring, ",")

moneydw = split(moneydwstring, ",")

formatd1 = split(formatd1string, ",")

formatd2 = split(formatd2string, ",")

formatd3 = split(formatd3string, ",")

moneystr = format(nmoney, "0.00")

moneystr = replace(moneystr, ".", "")

strlen = len(moneystr)

returnstr = ""

for x = 0 to strlen - 1

tempstr = mid(moneystr, strlen - x, 1)

returnstr = moneydw(tempstr) & basicdw(x) & returnstr

next x

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零分", "")

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零角", "")

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零拾", "零")

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零佰", "零")

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零仟", "零")

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零萬", "零")

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零億", "零")

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零兆", "零")

doreturnstr = replace(returnstr, "零零", "零")

loop while instr(returnstr, "零零") <> 0

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "零圓", "圓")

if right(returnstr, 1) <> "圓" then

returnstr = replace(returnstr, "圓", "零")

returnstr = returnstr & "圓"

end if

returnstr = returnstr & "整"

for x = 0 to ubound(formatd1)

pcount = instr(1, returnstr, formatd1(x), vbtextcompare)

if pcount > 0 then

if instr(pcount + 2, returnstr, formatd3(x), vbtextcompare) > 0 then

returnstr = replace(returnstr, formatd1(x), formatd2(x))

end if

end if

next x

pcount = instr(1, returnstr, "萬兆", vbtextcompare)

nmoneytosmoney = returnstr

end function


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