空前紀錄 all time record

2021-04-24 18:01:36 字數 982 閱讀 8291



the nation's capital, which topped the list, accommodated 830,000 tourists, up 20 percent from last year. its tourism revenue totaled 2.16 billion yuan. both figures areall-time records, the beijing municipal tourism bureau said.


在上面的報道中,all-time record就是指「空前紀錄」。all-time意思是「空前的、創紀錄的」。最近經濟不景氣,在很多國家,unemployment rate will reach an all-time high.(失業率將創歷史新高)。不過,春節期間外出旅遊過得非常愉快,this is without a doubt my all-time crummiest moment(這無疑是我一生中最充實快樂的時光)。

納達爾剛剛戰勝了費德勒摘得澳網男單桂冠,他可以被稱為one of the all-time great tennis players(歷來最好的網球鍵將)。去年的北京奧運會上,很多運動員better their own record(重新整理了自己創下的歷史紀錄)。「紀錄創造者(保持者)「我們常說成是a record setter/holder,而」打破紀錄「則是break/smash the record, to set a new record。如果equal the record(平了之前的紀錄),那就稍有遺憾了。


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