Linux 版本查詢命令

2021-04-25 07:15:27 字數 1260 閱讀 4483

1. usually, we can use command  'uname'

[~~]$uname -a

linux nightstone 2.6.18-8.el5xen #1 smp fri jan 26 14:42:21 est 2007 i686 i686 i386 gnu/linux

the meaning of every value as following:

-s, --kernel-name    [ linux]

print the kernel name

-n, --nodename         [ nightstone ]

print the network node hostname

-r, --kernel-release     [2.6.18-8.el5xen]

print the kernel release

-v, --kernel-version   [#1 smp fri jan 26 14:42:21 est 2007]

print the kernel version

-m, --machine     [i686]

print the machine hardware name

-p, --processor     [i686]

print the processor type or "unknown"

-i, --hardware-platform    [i386]

print the hardware platform or "unknown"

-o, --operating-system      [gnu/linux]

print the operating system

--help display this help and exit


output version information and exit

2.  get the os verion 

[~~]$ cat   /etc/issue*

red hat enterprise linux server release 5 (tikanga)

kernel /r on an /m

red hat enterprise linux server release 5 (tikanga)

kernel /r on an /m

Linux 系統版本查詢命令

1 uname a linux檢視版本當前作業系統核心資訊 2 cat proc version linux檢視當前作業系統版本資訊 3 cat etc issue 或 cat etc redhat release linux檢視版本當前作業系統發行版資訊 4 cat proc cpuinfo li...


一。檢視核心版本命令 1 root sor sys cat proc version linux version 2.6.18 238.el5 mockbuild x86 gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 red hat 4.1....

CentOS CentOS版本查詢命令

centos centos版本查詢命令 1.檢視作業系統版本。root localhost etc cat etc redhat release 2.列出所有版本資訊。注 這個命令適用於所有的linux,包括redhat suse debian等發行版。root localhostetc lsb r...