《C 程式設計思想》P251乙個拷貝建構函式的例子。

2021-04-26 19:43:38 字數 1189 閱讀 4153


//the copy-constructor




using namespace std;

ofstream out("howmany2.out");

class howmany2


//the copy-constructor:

howmany2(const howmany2& h):name(h.name)

void print(const string& msg="") const



entering f()

howmany2(const howmany2& h)

h copy:objectcount=2

x argument inside f()

h copy:objectcount=2

returning from f()

howmany2(const howmany2& h)

h copy copy:objectcount=3


h copy:objectcount=2

h2 after call to f()

h copy copy:objectcount=2

call f(),no return value

howmany2(const howmany2& h)

h copy:objectcount=3

x argument inside f()

h copy:objectcount=3

returning from f()

howmany2(const howmany2& h)

h copy copy:objectcount=4


h copy:objectcount=3


h copy copy:objectcount=2

after call to f()


h copy copy:objectcount=1




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