
2021-04-27 23:09:39 字數 1511 閱讀 9588

select 語句加where子句(條件限制)

1.limiting rows using a selection

select * from emp where deptno=30;

select * from emp where ename='king';

2.comparison conditions

select * from emp where sal>2500;

3.other comprison conditions

a)using between

select * from emp where sal between 900 and 2000;

b)using in 

select * from emp where mgr in(7698,7788);

c)using like(%可以代表任意多個字元,而_代表任一字元)

select * from emp where ename like 'a%';

select * from emp where ename like '_a%';

d)using null

select * from emp where mgr is null;

4. logical conditions

a) using the and operator

select * from emp where  sal>1000 and job like '%man%';

b) using the or operator

select * from emp where  sal>1000 and job like '%man%';

c) using the not operator

select * from emp where job not in ('salesman','clerk');

5.rules of precedence (注意下面兩種情況是不同的)

select * from emp where job='salesman' or job='clerk'  and sal >=1300;

select * from emp where (job='salesman' or job='clerk')  and sal >=1300;

order by子句 預設的是按asc排序

1. select * from emp order by hiredate;

2. sorting in descending order

select * from emp order by hiredate desc;

3. sorting by column alias

select ename,sal,12*sal annsal from emp order by annsal;

4. sorting by multiple columns

select ename,deptno,sal annsal from emp order by deptno,sal desc;

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