
2021-04-28 17:13:53 字數 738 閱讀 7343

it never rains but it pours這句成語翻到中文就是「禍不單行」的意思。我們舉個例子來看看it never rains but it pours這個成語在句子裡是怎麼用的:

i really feel sorry for mike. first his wife left him. next he lost his job. then somebody stole his car. like they say, it never rains but it pours. 我真是為邁克感到難受。先是他的太太把他扔了,然後,他又丟了工作,接著,他的車又被人偷了。這真是像人們所說的,禍不單行呀。


oh boy! you can't believe the trouble i had today. my alarm clock didn't go off, so i missed biology class. then, i lost my home work assignment for math. i invited my girlfriend to lunch and after we ate, i found i'd left my wallet at home. it never rains but it pours.



一早就接到爸爸打來的 說 媽媽在平路上跑,可能摔了一跤,腿骨折了,如果不動手術的話,那條腿就不能走路了.唉,怎麼會這樣子呢?現在心情很亂,很傷心,悲痛呀.原本父母都是牽掛在外面工作兒女的,可現在我都要擔心家人,是否平安?是否健康?媽媽,為了我操勞,辛苦了一輩子,在外面打工,供我讀書.現在我已畢業,工...


今年有 140萬人參加了1月 9日進行的 2010 年碩士研究生統一入學考試。這項考試在就業 寒流 中繼續公升溫,報考人數創下 2001 年以來最高紀錄,比上年增長 13 請看相關報道 the annualnational post graduate entrance examinationkick...


今年有140萬人參加了1月9日進行的2010年碩士研究生統一入學考試。這項考試在就業 寒流 中繼續公升溫,報考人數創下2001年以來最高紀錄,比上年增長13 the annual national post graduate entrance examination kicks off on sat...