
2021-04-28 21:55:14 字數 976 閱讀 2945

在vb6列印的時候,設定印表機的屬性printer.fonttransparent = true可以列印出背景透明內容,但有些時候該設定不起作用,可以通過下面的方法解決。

private declare function setbkmode lib "gdi32"  _

(byval hdc as long, byval nbkmode as long) as long

private const transparent = 1 '透明

private const opaque = 2 '不透明

private sub form_click()

printer.print ""

printer.line (0,0)-(10000, 2000), &hc0c0c0, bf

printer.currentx = 0

printer.currenty = 0

printer.fonttransparent = true

'correctly sets the background mix mode to transparent

ibkmode = setbkmode(printer.hdc, transparent)

printer.print "printer.fonttransparent = " & printer.fonttransparent

printer.fonttransparent = false

'correctly sets the background mix mode to opaque

ibkmode = setbkmode(printer.hdc, opaque)

printer.print "printer.fonttransparent = " & printer.fonttransparent


end sub



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