
2021-04-30 16:37:24 字數 3439 閱讀 8157








grouping operator

array access

member access from a pointer

member access from an object

scoping operator



(a + b) / 4;

array[4] = 2;

ptr->age = 34;

obj.age = 34;

class::age = 2;

for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) ...

for( i = 10; i > 0; i-- ) ...

left to right 2





logical negation

bitwise complement



unary minus

unary plus


address of

cast to a given type

return size in bytes

if( !done ) ...

flags = ~flags;

for( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) ...

for( i = 10; i > 0; --i ) ...

int i = -1;

int i = +1;

data = *ptr;

address = &obj;

int i = (int) floatnum;

int size = sizeof(floatnum);

right to left 3


member pointer selector

member pointer selector

ptr->*var = 24;

obj.*var = 24;

left to right 4




int i = 2 * 4;

float f = 10 / 3;

int rem = 4 % 3;

left to right 5

+- addition


int i = 2 + 3;

int i = 5 - 1;

left to right 6



bitwise shift left

bitwise shift right

int flags = 33 << 1;

int flags = 33 >> 1;

left to right 7





comparison less-than

comparison less-than-or-equal-to

comparison greater-than

comparison geater-than-or-equal-to

if( i < 42 ) ...

if( i <= 42 ) ...

if( i > 42 ) ...

if( i >= 42 ) ...

left to right 8


comparison equal-to

comparison not-equal-to

if( i == 42 ) ...

if( i != 42 ) ...

left to right 9

&bitwise and

flags = flags & 42;

left to right 10

^bitwise exclusive or

flags = flags ^ 42;

left to right 11

|bitwise inclusive (normal) or

flags = flags | 42;

left to right 12

&&logical and

if( conditiona && conditionb ) ...

left to right 13

||logical or

if( conditiona || conditionb ) ...

left to right 14

? :ternary conditional (if-then-else)

int i = (a > b) ? a : b;

right to left 15







assignment operator

increment and assign

decrement and assign

multiply and assign

divide and assign

modulo and assign

bitwise and and assign

bitwise exclusive or and assign

bitwise inclusive (normal) or and assign

bitwise shift left and assign

bitwise shift right and assign

int a = b;

a += 3;

b -= 4;

a *= 5;

a /= 2;

a %= 3;

flags &= new_flags;

flags ^= new_flags;

flags |= new_flags;

flags <<= 2;

flags >>= 2;

right to left 16

,sequential evaluation operator

for( i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; i++, j++ ) ...

left to right

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