VB 全域性鍵盤 滑鼠鉤子

2021-04-01 00:53:03 字數 2132 閱讀 9601

if code = hc_action then

copymemory mousemsg, lparam, lenb(mousemsg)

form1.txtmsg(1).text = "x=" + str(mousemsg.x) + " y=" + str(mousemsg.y)

form1.txthwnd(1) = format(wparam, "0")

if wparam = wm_mbuttondown then                      '把中鍵改為左鍵

mouse_event mouseeventf_leftdown, 0, 0, 0, 0

callmousehookproc = 1

end if

if wparam = wm_mbuttonup then

mouse_event mouseeventf_leftup, 0, 0, 0, 0

callmousehookproc = 1

end if

end if

if code <> 0 then

callmousehookproc = callnexthookex(0, code, wparam, lparam)

end if

end function


public function callkeyhookproc(byval code as long, byval wparam as long, byval lparam as long) as long

dim lkey as long

dim strkeyname as string * 255

dim strlen as long

if code = hc_action then

copymemory keymsg, lparam, lenb(keymsg)

select case wparam

case wm_syskeydown, wm_keydown, wm_syskeyup, wm_keyup:

lkey = keymsg.skey and &hff           '掃瞄碼

lkey = lkey * 65536

strlen = getkeynametext(lkey, strkeyname, 250)

form1.txtmsg(0).text = "鍵名:" + left(strkeyname, strlen) + " 偽程式碼:" + format(keymsg.vkey and &hff, "0") + " 掃瞄碼:" + format(lkey / 65536, "0")

form1.txthwnd(0) = ""

if (getkeystate(vbkeycontrol) and &h8000) then

form1.txthwnd(0) = form1.txthwnd(0) + "ctrl "

end if

if (keymsg.flag and alt_down) <> 0 then

form1.txthwnd(0) = form1.txthwnd(0) + "alt "

end if

if (getkeystate(vbkeyshift) and &h8000) then

form1.txthwnd(0) = form1.txthwnd(0) + "shift"

end if

'keymsg.vkey and &hff   偽程式碼

'lkey / 65536           掃瞄碼

if (keymsg.vkey and &hff) = vbkeyy then       '把y鍵替換為n

if wparam = wm_syskeydown or wparam = wm_keydown then

keybd_event vbkeyn, 0, 0, 0

end if

callkeyhookproc = 1        '遮蔽按鍵

end if

end select

end if

if code <> 0 then

callkeyhookproc = callnexthookex(0, code, wparam, lparam)

end if

end function

VB 用全域性鉤子,記錄滑鼠點選次數

首先用建立乙個標準exe程式 把窗體名稱,設定為frmmain 在窗體上建立一組文字框陣列,名稱為txtmsg txtmsg 0 顯示滑鼠左鍵按下的次數 txtmsg 1 顯示滑鼠中鍵按下的次數 txtmsg 2 顯示滑鼠右鍵按下的次數 txtmsg 3 顯示滑鼠按下的總次數 首先建立乙個modul...


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c 全域性鍵盤鉤子

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