小程式 LRC歌詞展開

2021-04-01 06:33:56 字數 1752 閱讀 9626





sub main()

dim s***mand() as string

dim btmp       as byte

dim stmp       as string

dim cfile      as collection

dim inum       as integer

dim stmp2      as string

dim i          as integer

dim j          as integer

dim st***      as string

dim bisadd     as boolean

set cfile = new collection

s***mand = split(***mand, "*") '用*作分隔符,很簡單,檔名不能帶*,用?也可以

open s***mand(0) for input as #1

do until eof(1)

input #1, stmp

inum = 0

do while ((mid(stmp, inum * 9 + 1, 1) = "[") and (mid(stmp, (inum + 1) * 9, 1) = "]"))

inum = inum + 1


stmp2 = right(stmp, len(stmp) - 9 * inum)

for i = 0 to inum - 1

st*** = mid(stmp, i * 9 + 2, 7)

if cfile.count = 0 then

cfile.add "[" & st*** & "]" & stmp2


bisadd = false

for j = 1 to cfile.count

if mid(cfile(j), 2, 7) > mid(stmp, i * 9 + 2, 7) then

cfile.add "[" & st*** & "]" & stmp2, , j

bisadd = true

exit for

end if

next j

if not bisadd then cfile.add "[" & st*** & "]" & stmp2

end if

next i


close #1

open s***mand(1) for output as #1

for i = 1 to cfile.count

print #1, cfile(i)

next i

close #1

end sub




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