年份的加減運算子過載C Code

2021-05-25 12:28:38 字數 2412 閱讀 3500




using namespace std;

class cdate

bool isleapyear(int year); //判斷是否是閏年

int datetoon(const cdate &other); //日期轉換為從0年0月0日起的天數

int monthday(int year, int month); //當前月份有幾天

cdate operator +(const cdate &other); //兩個日期相加

int operator -(const cdate &other); //兩個日期相減的天數

cdate operator +(int nday);  //當前日期加上nday天

cdate operator -(int nday);  //當前日期減去nday天


int m_year;

int m_month;

int m_day;

};bool cdate::isleapyear(int year)

int cdate::datetoon(const cdate &other)

}int sum_day;

switch(other.m_month)  //計算本月一起共有多少天

sumday += sum_day;

sumday += other.m_day;

if(isleapyear(other.m_year) && other.m_month > 2)//當前年份是否是閏年

return sumday;

}int cdate::monthday(int year, int month)



case 4:

case 6:

case 9:

curday = 30;



return curday;

}cdate cdate::operator+(const cdate &other)

temp.m_day = this->m_day + other.m_day;

if(temp.m_day > monthday(temp.m_year, temp.m_month)) //判斷當前天數是否大於本月的天數

return temp;

}int cdate::operator-(const cdate &other)

cdate cdate::operator+(int nday)

}if(days > 0 && days <=31) //判斷幾月幾日

else if(days <= 59)

else if(days <= 90)

else if(days <= 120)

else if(days <= 151)

else if(days <= 181)

else if (days <= 212)

else if( days <= 243)

else if (days <= 273)

else if(days <= 304)

else if (days <= 334)


cdate dest = *this + temp; //呼叫兩個年份相加運算子構造最終物件

return dest;

}cdate cdate::operator-(int nday)

}if(isleapyear(this->m_year- nyear - 1)) //判斷多減去的那一年是否是閏年


cdate dest = temp + nd; //呼叫加乙個整形天數運算子過載函式計算最終cdate物件

return dest;

}ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const cdate &other)

int main()

/*the first date object is :1990--5--2

the days between (0, 0, 0 ) and first date has :726985 days

the second date object is :1988--4--6

the first date +  second date is : 3978--9--8

the first date -  second date has: 726 days

after the first date2 + 726 days the date is :1990--5--2

after the first date - 726 days the date is :1988--6--7

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