sql 設定主鍵 聯合主鍵

2021-05-25 22:00:01 字數 1052 閱讀 4101

alter table yourtable add  constaintname primary key(columnname)

/*constaintname 資料型別  yourtable 表名 columnname 列名*/

or create table yourtable(column1 int primary key,....)


alter table [tablename] add [p_id] bigint not null default 0


alter table [tablename] drop column [p_id]


alter table [tablename] add constraint pk_tablename primary key (p_id)


alter table [tablename] drop constraint pk_tablename


create clustered index [ttopindex] on [tablename] ([p_id]) on [primary]


create index [ttopindex] on tablename ([p_id]) on [primary]


drop index [tablename].[ttopindex]


execute sp_addextendedproperty n'ms_description', n'**id', n'user', n'dbo', n'table', n'tablename', n'column', n'p_id'


alter table jserp.fp with nocheck add

constraint [pk_jserp.fp] primary key  nonclustered




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