物料移動 261

2021-05-26 05:16:24 字數 2867 閱讀 9751

form frm_wm_goodsmov_261 .


lv_err***   type char1,

lv_bdmng    type resbd-bdmng,

lv_verme    type lqua-verme,

i_gheader   type table of bapi2017_gm_head_01 with header line ,

i_gheadret  type table of bapi2017_gm_head_ret with header line ,

i_mdocument type bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc,

i_mdocyear  type bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year,

i_gitem     type table of bapi2017_gm_item_create with header line ,

i_gsnumber  type table of bapi2017_gm_serialnumber with header line,

i_return    type table of bapiret2 with header line,

ls_mseg     type mseg,

lt_ltak_vb  type ltak_vb occurs 0 with header line,

lt_ltap_vb  type ltap_vb occurs 0 with header line.

select sum( verme )

into lv_verme

from lqua

where lgnum = it_stoseq-lgnum

and matnr = it_resbd-matnr

and lgtyp = it_stoseq-lgtyp

and werks = p_werks

and sobkz <> 'k'.

if lv_verme is initial.



if lv_verme > gs_mard-labst.

lv_verme  = gs_mard-labst.


concatenate sy-uname ' ' sy-tcode into i_gheader-header_txt.

i_gheader-doc_date   = sy-datum.

i_gheader-pstng_date = sy-datum.

i_gitem-material   = it_resbd-matnr.

i_gitem-stge_loc   = it_stoseq-lgort.

i_gitem-entry_qnt  = lv_bdmng.

i_gitem-entry_uom  = it_resbd-meins.

i_gitem-move_type  = '261'.

i_gitem-plant      = it_resbd-werks.

i_gitem-orderid    = it_mesyld-aufnr.

i_gitem-reserv_no  = it_resbd-rsnum.

i_gitem-res_item   = it_resbd-rspos.

concatenate it_mesyld-aplfl


into i_gitem-gr_rcpt

separated by ','.

call function 'bapi_goodsmvt_create'


goodsmvt_header       = i_gheader

goodsmvt_code         = '03'


goodsmvt_headret      = i_gheadret

materialdocument      = i_mdocument

matdocumentyear       = i_mdocyear


goodsmvt_item         = i_gitem

goodsmvt_serialnumber = i_gsnumber

return                = i_return.

貨物移動的bapi  bapi_goodsmvt_create

其中 引數 : goodsmvt_code 有

gmcode table t158g - 01 - mb01 - goods receipts for purchase order

*                      02 - mb31 - goods receipts for prod order

*                      03 - mb1a - goods issue

*                      04 - mb1b - transfer posting

*                      05 - mb1c - enter other goods receipt

*                      06 - mb11

*                      07 - mb04

事物**mbst憑證沖銷 bapi  bapi_goodsmvt_cancel

獲得憑證明細 bapi  bapi_goodsmvt_getdetail

根據物料 工廠 移動型別  記賬日期 建立人 等查詢憑證 bapi  bapi_goodsmvt_getitems

sap內部使用 bapi  bapi_goodsmvt_sapcreate

SAP 物料移動tcode

月底,財務月結,需要關賬,關閉物料移動功能,支援財務對賬 其中一項任務是要鎖定物料移動tcode,這應該是其中部分 co27 ppiom000 1000 揀配清單 mb1a sapmm07m 400 貨物提取 mb1b sapmm07m 400 轉移過帳 mb1c sapmm07m 400 其他收貨...


mm物料移動主要的三個資料來源是 2lis 03 bf,2lis 03 bx,2lis 03 um。其中 1 2lis 03 bx,mm物料移動初始化資料來源,只在模型初始化時執行一次,作用是取出當前源系統中所有物料的庫存餘額資料 資料明細到物料 工廠 庫存地點級別 注意 當前 是指初始化bx填充表...


mm物料移動主要的三個資料來源是 2lis 03 bf,2lis 03 bx,2lis 03 um。其中 1 2lis 03 bx,mm物料移動初始化資料來源,只在模型初始化時執行一次,作用是取出當前源系統中所有物料的庫存餘額資料 資料明細到物料 工廠 庫存地點級別 注意 當前 是指初始化bx填充表...