oracle 建立表空間 建立和授權使用者

2021-05-26 15:05:19 字數 2476 閱讀 3622


create bigfile tablespace zhang 

datafile 'd:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\zhang.dbf' 

size 64m 

autoextend on next 64m maxsize 1048576m; 


drop tablespace xu including contents and datafiles;


create bigfile temporary tablespace mybigtmp 

tempfile 'd:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\mybigtmp.dbf' size 1024m uniform size 64k;


alter database tempfile 'd:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\mybigtmp.dbf' resize 10240m;



2.create temporary tablespace  temp2 tempfile 『/oracle/u01/oracle/oradata/bizdb/temp02.dbf』 size 512m reuse autoextend on next  640k maxsize unlimited;   –建立中轉臨時表空間

3.alter database default  temporary tablespace  temp2; –改變預設臨時表空間 為剛剛建立的新臨時表空間temp2

4.drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles;–刪除原來臨時表空間

5.create temporary tablespace  temp tempfile 『/oracle/u01/oracle/oradata/bizdb/temp01.dbf』 size 512m reuse autoextend on next  640k maxsize unlimited;   –重新建立臨時表空間

6.alter database default  temporary tablespace  temp; –重置預設臨時表空間為新建的temp表空間

7.drop tablespace temp2 including contents and datafiles;–刪除中轉用臨時表空間

8.alter user narrowad temporary tablespace temp;   –重新指定使用者表空間為重建的臨時表空間


create user zhang identified by password    

default tablespace zhang   

temporary tablespace mybigtmp;   

alter user zhang identified by zhang;//修改密碼


grant dba,connect,resource to zhang;  



select df.tablespace_name "表空間名",totalspace "總空間m",freespace "剩餘空間m",round((1-freespace/totalspace)*100,2) "使用率%" 


(select tablespace_name,round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) totalspace 

from dba_data_files 

group by tablespace_name) df, 

(select tablespace_name,round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) freespace 

from dba_free_space 

group by tablespace_name) fs 

where df.tablespace_name=fs.tablespace_name;


create public database link new

connect to sys identified by system

using '(description =

(address_list =

(address = (protocol = tcp)(host = = 1521))

)(connect_data =

(service_name =ycora9 )


alter  temporary tablespace mybigtmp default storage (initial 10g next 1g );

oracle表空間查詢 建立和擴容

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