第22章 系統時間 RTC程式設計

2021-05-27 23:03:07 字數 1333 閱讀 7533



addr function

==== ****************************************=

** clock/calendar

00 current second for real-time clock

01 alarm second

02 current minute

03 alarm minute

04 current hour

05 alarm hour

06 current day of week (1=sunday)

07 current date of month

08 current month

09 current year (final two digits; eg, 93)


#ifndef _rtc_h_

#define _rtc_h_

#define rtc_reg_addr 0x70 //定址暫存器

#define rtc_reg_value 0x71 //內容暫存器

#define second_reg 0x0

#define minute_reg 0x2

#define hour_reg 0x4

#define day_week_reg 0x6

#define day_month_reg 0x7

#define month_reg 0x8

#define year_reg 0x9

void localtime();



#include "io.h"

#include "rtc.h"

#include "video.h"

unsigned char get_second()

unsigned char get_minute()

unsigned char get_hour()

unsigned char get_week_day()

unsigned char get_month_day()

unsigned char get_month()

unsigned char get_year()

void localtime()

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