Python MySqlDB 增刪修改資料庫

2021-05-28 09:08:36 字數 1202 閱讀 8196

安裝後import mysqldb會出現 deprecationwarning: the sets module is deprecated 這樣乙個警告,google之

原因是2.6不知sets這個模組,不過已經新增了set內建函式。找到mysqldb資料夾的中,注釋掉from sets import immutableset class dbapiset(immutableset):新增class dbapiset(frozenset):;找到converters.py注釋掉from sets import baseset, set。然後修改第45行和129行中的set為set。



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


import time, mysqldb


cursor = conn.cursor()

#寫入sql = "insert into user(name,created) values(%s,%s)"

param = ("aaa",int(time.time()))

n = cursor.execute(sql,param)

print n

#更新sql = "update user set name=%s where id=3"

param = ("bbb")

n = cursor.execute(sql,param)

print n

#查詢n = cursor.execute("select * from user")

for row in cursor.fetchall():

for r in row:

print r

#刪除sql = "delete from user where name=%s"

param =("aaa")

n = cursor.execute(sql,param)

print n




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