對spfile 誤操作的處理

2021-05-28 12:12:57 字數 1309 閱讀 2166

if you edit the spfile, due to the file is a binary file,

so this file is not allowed to edit.

if you edit the spfile, following steps can help you fix this issue.


sql> create pfile='/datafile/dbsrun/pfile_dbsrun.ora' from spfile;

create pfile='/datafile/dbsrun/pfile_dbsrun.ora' from spfile

*error at line 1:

ora-27046: file size is not a multiple of logical block size

additional information: 1

additional information: 1265

additional information: 512


copy the parameter and values into the init_(sid).ora file.


remove the spfile from $oracle_home/dbs


startup the database


sql:>create spfile from pfile:



使用startup命令啟動資料庫,,oralce將會按照以下順序在預設目錄中(9i,10i在oracle_home/database目錄下)搜尋引數檔案:(1)spfile***.ora檔案 (2)如果沒有spfile***.ora檔案就用spfile.ora檔案(3) 如果沒有spfile.ora檔案就用init***.ora(4)如果沒有init***.ora檔案就用 pfile.ora

所以上面我們採取的解決方法是將破壞的spfile中的引數複製到init***.ora中,然後刪除spfile檔案,這樣啟動時就會用init***.ora檔案啟動,然後用create spfile from pfile 命令生成spfiel

以後如果要修改spfile中的引數絕對不能在手工修改spfile檔案了,用下面命令:alter system set parameter=value scope=spfile|both|memory 例如:alter system set db_cache_size=24m scope=both;來修改


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