使用C 遠端建立資料庫

2021-05-01 19:50:06 字數 1502 閱讀 1932


static bool createdatabase(string strdbsource_, string strusername_, string struserpwd_, string strdbname_, string strpath_)

;strpath_ = strpath_.trimend(strtrim);

// when use in local, can create path auto; otherwise, make sure the path has existed.

//if (!directory.exists(strpath_))

//     directory.createdirectory(strpath_);

string strfile = strpath_ + @"/" + strdbname_;

string strsrc = "data source=" + strdbsource_ + ";initial catalog=master;persist security info=true;user id=" +

strusername_ + ";password=" + struserpwd_;

using (sqlconnection conmaster = new sqlconnection(strsrc))

// create the database now;

string strdatabase = "create database " + strdbname_ + " on primary" +

"(" +

@"name=n'" + strdbname_ + @".mdf'," +

@"filename=n'" + strfile + @".mdf'," +

"size=4096kb,maxsize=unlimited,filegrowth=10%)" + // 資料庫檔案至少為3m

"log on" +

"(" +

"name=n'" + strdbname_ + "'," +

@"filename=n'" + strfile + @".ldf'," +

"size=1024kb,maxsize=unlimited,filegrowth=10%)" +

"collate chinese_prc_ci_as"; // 按中文格式排序

sqlcommand cmdcreate = new sqlcommand(strdatabase, conmaster);



}console.writeline("create ok");

bsuccess = true;

}catch (exception e)

", e.message);

}return bsuccess;



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