泛型演算法系列7 find first of

2021-05-01 21:22:59 字數 1383 閱讀 8488

//#include "stdafx.h"

#include #include #include #include using namespace std;

#include #include #include //find the first instance in s_array of any characters in to_find

int main(int argc, char* argv)

; string to_find = ;

// returns first occurrence of "ee" -- &s_array[2]

string *found_it = find_first_of( s_array, s_array+6,

to_find, to_find+3 );

// generates:

// found it: ee

// &s_array[2]: 0x7fff2dac

// &found_it: 0x7fff2dac

if ( found_it != &s_array[6] )

vector< string> svec( s_array, s_array+6);

vector< string > svec_find( to_find, to_find+3 );

// returns occurrence of "oo" -- svec.end()-2

vector< string>::iterator found_it2;

found_it2 = find_first_of(svec.begin(), svec.end(),

svec_find.begin(), svec_find.end(), equal_to() );

// generates:

// found it, too: oo

// &svec.end()-2: 0x100067b0

// &found_it2: 0x100067b0

if ( found_it2 != svec.end() )

return 0;}/*


_fi1 find_first_of(_fi1 _f1, _fi1 _l1, _fi2 _f2, _fi2 _l2) */


_fi1 find_first_of(_fi1 _f1, _fi1 _l1, _fi2 _f2, _fi2 _l2,

_pr _p) */

泛型演算法系列37 堆演算法

1。概念 堆是一種特殊的二叉樹,具備以下兩種性質 1 每個節點的值都大於 或者都小於,稱為最小堆 其子節點的值 2 樹是完全平衡的,並且最後一層的樹葉都在最左邊 這樣就定義了乙個最大堆。2。堆可以用乙個陣列表示,有如下性質 heap i heap 2 i 1 其中0 i n 1 2 heap i h...

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include stdafx.h include include include include include include include using namespace std class ourfriends static void friendset const string fs,in...

每日演算法系列 7
