2021-05-09 05:20:52 字數 3603 閱讀 8989

在informix 中,分片表可以支援除了在分片主鍵上進行建立本地索引外,還可以建立多個其他非分片鍵字段的本地索引,而在對該錶進行分片管理時(刪除乙個分片,增加乙個分片)不影響表的使用,索引不需要重建。【oracle中需要重建index】。


create table t_fragment_test (

customer_num integer,

call_dtime datetime year to minute,

user_id char(32)

default user,

call_code char(1),

call_descr char(240),

res_dtime datetime year to minute,

res_descr char(240)

)fragment by expression

(customer_num>=1 andcustomer_num<100000) in dbs11,

(customer_num>=100000 andcustomer_num<200000) in dbs12,

(customer_num>=200000 andcustomer_num<300000) in dbs13,

(customer_num>=300000 andcustomer_num<400000) in dbs14

extent size 102400 next size 10240;




create unique index idx_t_fragment_test1 on t_fragment_test(customer_num,call_dtime) ;


create index idx_t_fragment_test2 on t_fragment_test(res_dtime);

create index idx_t_fragment_test3 on t_fragment_test(call_code);


--注意事項:對於需要動態進行分片表分片調整,即動態刪除(detach )增加(attach)分片的分片表,我們需要注意: informix資料庫會為表中的primary key,unique 約束自動建立全域性索引,同時不要包含外來鍵。考慮到效能估需要注意不要在create table中使用primary key,unique約束,請使用unique index來替代實現。


alter fragment on table t_fragment_test detach dbs11 t_fragment_test_dbs11;

--小於 1 second完成


--case 1增加乙個空分片

alter fragment on table t_fragment_test add (customer_num < 500000and customer_num >= 400000 ) in dbs11


--case 2把乙個表增加到分片表中

alter fragment on table t_fragment_test attach t_fragment_test_dbs11 as customer_num < 100000and customer_num >= 1in dbs11




select * from t_fragment_test where customer_num >=100000 and

customer_num <=100010

estimated cost: 14

estimated # of rows returned: 60

1) informix.t_fragment_test: index path

(1) index name: informix.idx_t_fragment_test1

index keys: customer_num call_dtime(serial,fragments: 0)

fragments scanned: (0) dbs12

lower index filter: informix.t_fragment_test.customer_num >= 100000

upper index filter: informix.t_fragment_test.customer_num <= 100010

query: (optimization timestamp:




select * from t_fragment_test where res_dtime>= current year to second

andres_dtime<= current year to second +interval(3) hour to hour

estimated cost: 9

estimated # of rows returned: 1

1) informix.t_fragment_test: index path

(1) index name: informix.idx_t_fragment_test2

index keys: res_dtime(serial,fragments: all)

(fragments might be eliminated at runtime because filter contains

runtime constants)

lower index filter:informix.t_fragment_test.res_dtime >= current year to second

upper index filter:informix.t_fragment_test.res_dtime <= current year to second+ interval(3) hour to hour

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