
2021-05-11 06:16:53 字數 684 閱讀 1368

select owner,object_name,object_type from

dba_objects where data_object_id in

(select obj from x$bh where hladdr in

(select addr from (select addr from v$latch_children where name='cache buffers chains')))

and owner not like '%sys%';

例子:sql> select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where data_object_id in (select obj from x$bh where hladdr in

2  (select addr from (select addr from v$latch_children where name='cache buffers chains')))

3   and owner not like '%sys%';

owner      object_name          object_typ

---------- -------------------- ----------

robinson   hot_block            table


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