vba 將excel插入sql資料庫

2021-05-11 16:29:03 字數 894 閱讀 9506

private sub insert1_click()

dim icount as integer

dim cn

set cn = createobject("adodb.connection")

cn.connectionstring = "provider=sqloledb.1;persist security info=false;user id=sa;password=8233;initial catalog=hskmis;data source="


cn.execute ("delete temp9")


rowcount = worksheets("fc").usedrange.rows.count


for irow = 1 to rowcount

strrecord = ""


for icol = 1 to 5

if icol <> 5 then

strrecord = strrecord & "'" & worksheets("fc").cells(irow, icol).value & "'" & ","


strrecord = strrecord & "'" & worksheets("fc").cells(irow, icol).value & "'"

end if


msgbox strrecord

sql = cn.execute("insert into temp9 values(" & strrecord & ")")


msgbox "插入完成"

end sub


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