C 對Word的操作 三

2021-05-12 22:58:07 字數 1003 閱讀 6252

object start = 0;

object end = 0;

word.range tablelocation = odoc.range(ref start, ref end);

odoc.tables.add(tablelocation, 3, 4, ref omissing, ref omissing);

word.table newtable = odoc.tables[1];

object beforerow = newtable.rows[1];

newtable.rows.add(ref beforerow);

word.cell cell = newtable.cell(1, 1);

cell.merge(newtable.cell(1, 2));

object rownum = 2;

object columnnum = 2;

cell.split(ref rownum, ref columnnum);


object omissing = system.reflection.missing.value;

object oendofdoc = "/endofdoc"; /**//* endofdoc is a predefined bookmark */

//insert a paragraph at the beginning of the document.

word.paragraph opara1;

opara1 = odoc.content.paragraphs.add(ref omissing);

opara1.range.text = "heading 1";

opara1.range.font.bold = 1;

opara1.format.spaceafter = 24;    //24 pt spacing after paragraph.


C 對Word的操作 一

前提 匯入com庫 microsoft word 11.0 object library.引用裡面就增加了 object start 0 object end 0 word.range tablelocation odoc.range ref start,ref end odoc.tables.ad...

C 操作word文件(三)

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