
2021-05-21 13:51:07 字數 1013 閱讀 6846


1. 多行換成一行

col1  col2            col1  col2

a       1

a       2     轉換後   a     1,2,3

a       3

a. sys_connect_by_path 函式

select name, ltrim(max(sys_connect_by_path(userid, ',')), ',') userid

from(select name, userid,row_number() over(partition by name order by userid) rn  from test)  start with rn = 1 connect by rn - 1 = prior rn and name = prior name group by name order by name;


select  name,wmsys.wm_concat(userid)  from xj_class group by  name;

2. 一行換多行

col                                   col

1,2,3       轉換後               1 2

3 select substr(subject_id,instr(subject_id,',',1,rownum)+1,

instr(subject_id,',',1,rownum+1)-instr(subject_id,',',1,rownum)-1) subject_id,rownum

from (select ','||subject_id||',' as subject_id

from tea_class_subject where teacher_id=61 and class_id=16641)

connect by rownum


oracle 常用寫法 行列互換

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Oracle筆記 之 行列互換

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