SQL 刪除重複資料,只保留1條

2021-05-22 10:57:29 字數 2083 閱讀 7054

if not object_id('tempdb..#t') is null

drop table #t

gocreate table #t([id] int,[name] nvarchar(1),[memo] nvarchar(2))

insert #t

select 1,n'a',n'a1' union all

select 2,n'a',n'a2' union all

select 3,n'a',n'a3' union all

select 4,n'b',n'b1' union all

select 5,n'b',n'b2'

go--i、name相同, 但無主鍵(例如沒有id...), 保留資料物理儲存最近一條

;with t as

(select rn = row_number()over(partition by [name ] order by getdate()), *

from  #t

)delete t

where  rn>1

或者;with t as

(select rn = row_number()over(partition by [name ] order by (select 1)), *

from  #t

)delete t

where  rn>1



delete a from #t a where  exists(select 1 from #t where name=a.name and id0


delete a from #t a where id<>(select top 1 id from #t where name=a.name order by id)


delete a from #t a where id>any(select id from #t where name=a.name)

select * from #t


/*id          name memo

----------- ---- ----

1           a    a1

4           b    b1

(2 行受影響)



delete a from #t a where  exists(select 1 from #t where name=a.name and id>a.id)


delete a  from #t a left join (select max(id)id,name from #t group by name) b on a.name=b.name and a.id=b.id where b.id is null


delete a from #t a where id not in (select max(id) from #t where name=a.name)


delete a from #t a where id not in(select max(id)from #t group by name)


delete a from #t a where (select count(1) from #t where name=a.name and id>a.id)>0


delete a from #t a where id<>(select top 1 id from #t where name=a.name order by id desc)


delete a from #t a where idselect * from #t

/*id          name memo

----------- ---- ----

3           a    a3

5           b    b2

(2 行受影響)


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