VB實現目錄選擇 瀏覽

2021-05-23 21:59:59 字數 1902 閱讀 3280

option explicit

private type browseinfo

hwndowner as long

pidlroot as long

pszdisplayname as long

lpsztitle as long

ulflags as long

lpfncallback as long

lparam as long

iimage as long

end type

private const bif_returnonlyfsdirs = 1

private const max_path = 260

private declare sub cotaskmemfree lib "ole32.dll" (byval hmem as long)

private declare function lstrcat lib "kernel32" alias "lstrcata" (byval lpstring1 as string, byval lpstring2 as string) as long

private declare function shbrowseforfolder lib "shell32" (lpbi as browseinfo) as long

private declare function shgetpathfromidlist lib "shell32" (byval pidlist as long, byval lpbuffer as string) as long

public function browseforfolder(hwndowner as long, sprompt as string) as string


dim inull as integer

dim lpidlist as long

dim lresult as long

dim spath as string

dim udtbi as browseinfo


with udtbi

.hwndowner = hwndowner

.lpsztitle = lstrcat(sprompt, "")

.ulflags = bif_returnonlyfsdirs

end with


lpidlist = shbrowseforfolder(udtbi)


if lpidlist then

spath = string$(max_path, 0)

lresult = shgetpathfromidlist(lpidlist, spath)

call cotaskmemfree(lpidlist)

inull = instr(spath, vbnullchar)

if inull then spath = left$(spath, inull - 1)

end if

browseforfolder = spath

end function

private sub cmdselfile_click()

dim strresfolder as string

strresfolder = browseforfolder(hwnd, "請選擇系統安裝所在的目錄...")

if strresfolder = "" then

txtpath.text = ""


txtpath.text = strresfolder

end if

end sub

private sub form_load()

txtpath.text = ""

end sub

VB 選擇目錄對話方塊實現(API)

private type browseinfo hwndowner aslong pidlroot aslong pszdisplayname aslong lpsztitle aslong ulflags aslong lpfncallback aslong lparam aslong iimag...


當我們訪問某個 時,在後面增加相應的目錄,就可以瀏覽到目錄,對於 來說,是很不安全的。解決辦法 1 編輯httpd.conf檔案 找到如下內容 b b possible values for the options directive are none all or any combination ...


option explicit private const bif returnonlyfsdirs 1 private const bif dontgobelowdomain 2 private const max path 260 private declare function shbrows...