靜態拆分視窗 三叉視窗

2021-05-23 22:59:45 字數 1483 閱讀 9932

1.首先在cmainfrm.h中定義2個csplitterwnd 的變數:

csplitterwnd m_wndsplitter1;

csplitterwnd m_wndsplitter2;

2.新增你要載入的3個子視窗的類class wizard ----add class-----新建基於cview的類cview1,cview2,cview3。


4.bool cmainframe::oncreateclient(lpcreatestruct lpcs, ccreatecontext* pcontext)

int row = 500;

m_wndsplitter1.setrowinfo(0, row, 64);

m_wndsplitter1.setrowinfo(1, info_view_height, 64);

// add the first splitter pane

// which is a nested splitter with 2 columns

if (!m_wndsplitter2.createstatic(

&m_wndsplitter1,     // our parent window is the first splitter

1, 2,               // the new splitter is 2 rows, 1 column

ws_child | ws_visible | ws_border,  // style, ws_border is needed

m_wndsplitter1.idfromrowcol(0, 0)

// new splitter is in the first row, 2nd column of first splitter

))int column = 200;

m_wndsplitter2.setcolumninfo(0, column, 64);

m_wndsplitter2.setcolumninfo(1, column, 64);

// now create the two views inside the nested splitter

if (!m_wndsplitter2.createview(0, 0,

runtime_class(cview1), csize(column, row), pcontext))

if (!m_wndsplitter2.createview(0, 1,

runtime_class(cview2), csize(column, row), pcontext))

if (!m_wndsplitter1.createview(1, 0,

runtime_class(cview4), csize(column, row), pcontext))

return true;

} 即可生成上面2列,下面1列的三叉視窗介面!!

opengl mfc 靜態拆分視窗

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一 範例執行結果 二 具體實現步驟步驟 1 建立2個視窗類cselectview和cdisplayview,到時候負責往上圖1和2的位置顯示東西。2 主視窗中定義乙個切分視窗類的物件,通過物件進行拆分 csplitterwnd m spliter 切分視窗類物件 3 重寫主視窗oncreatecli...


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